
Yesterday Chase and I went through a big list of costumes I knew I would have time to make and budget break-downs of each, and we came to a decision on a particular costume that, if I have extra time, I might make for Dragoncon.
And then last night we went to the thrift store to find him some Zaphod pants, and I ended up coming home with a completely different new costume.

Partners in Crime

Please ignore the laundry, it’s been laundry world at the house the past 2 days.

Anyway, it’s a pass-able Partners in Crime Donna Noble! I already had a pair of pinstripe pants and a decent shirt for this costume which is why I included it on the “maybe for dragoncon” list, but it wasn’t what was picked as the costume. Then we walk into the thrift store and right there when we walk in is a pinstripe blazer for $8. So, I bought it.
The pants are a little snug since they’re from when I was like. 16, but they’ll do. It’s just for fun, I might wear it for 20 minutes at dragoncon, I might not take it with me at all.
Also – wow! gosh! My hair is getting so long! I missed my haircut two weeks ago and I don’t have another til August, so I guess it’s going to keep on going til then. I’ll definitely need that pre-Dragoncon trim/clean-up.